Yes to Yasuní


This Story focuses on the "yes" vote victory in a referendum, ensuring the preservation of Yasuní, a paradise facing the consequences of reckless extraction in other provinces. Holmer, a father in the remote Orellana jungle, has valiantly defended his territory against oil companies for decades. Despite the majority in the province supporting ongoing extraction, Holmer's family finds solace in being spared from the disasters associated with extraction. The story includes a tour of Lago Agrio with defenders challenging giants like Texaco, illustrating the disasters averted by halting further oil extraction in Orellana. This situation has left communities divided, and many indirectly affected individuals, like river transport providers, face an uncertain future. Additionally, the state not only bears the substantial cost of closing operations in the national park but also forfeits the income derived from extraction.


Covid in Guayaquil - Reuters


Wildfires in Quito - El Telégrafo